Music Writer (2012-14) |
Music Writer, 2012-13
(1912 typewriter, watercolor/ink, keys, clock parts, mirror, altered music box) |
For those of you who geek out on such things, the keys left on the typewriter are the letters to spell music and silence, plus the shift key (in case you want to) and the 3/4 key for waltz time. There is an altered music box (notes from one song, rhythm from another song) installed that you wind up from the left typewriter ribbon spindle. I removed as much of the inner workings as I could and still have the keys work and the shift work. This typewriter is from around 1912.
Music Writer (detail), 2012-13 |
Music Writer (detail), 2012-13 |
Music Writer (detail), 2012-13 |
Music Writer (detail), 2012-13 |
Amy Bethel, Amy.Bethel.art@gmail.com, RearrangeTheFire.blogspot.com