Teslacon 2015 devices...

These are some pieces created to wear to a steampunk convention.

This arm piece gets strapped onto the forearm and has a wind-up music box component. It is a time/space travel device using the power of music to move people. Carefully calibrated to the individual (because not everything moves everyone).

Phoenix: Toward a Resurgence of Kindness

Just put a piece up at the central library here in Madison (first floor, Mifflin St. side). It'll be there for a couple months. Come by and tear off a bit of paper, write a wish for an anonymous someone, attach it to one of the paperclips on the bird's tail, then take a wish for yourself. Pretty much guaranteed to brighten your day...as well as someone else's.

Made primarily from typewriter parts—Special thanks to Harry Webne-Berman, Kate Hewson, and Amy Wencel for donating typewriters to support my sculpture habit.


Amy Bethel, Amy.Bethel.art@gmail.comRearrangeTheFire.blogspot.com

Wish Box

Exhibited a new piece at the Pinney Library that's interactive--a wish box. Here are some pix and also some of the wonderful wishes people left. Visitors were invited to write a wish for another (anonymous) person and take a wish left by someone else.

Exhibit at Pinney Library

This small exhibit in a case at the Pinney branch of the Madison Public Library includes the suit of armor, some musical pieces, the dragonfly, and the skeleton of an immature dragon (cause of death unknown). I focused primarily on pieces made with typewriter parts. June 4-August 28, 2015.

Amy Bethel, Amy.Bethel.art@gmail.comRearrangeTheFire.blogspot.com


Bats are one of my favorite animals--the only true flying mammal.

Amy Bethel, Amy.Bethel.art@gmail.comRearrangeTheFire.blogspot.com

Winged Armor

Small suit of winged armor, adding machine parts, clock parts, typewriter parts, small mannequin; found the mannequin at a second-hand store and thought it looked the perfect framework for tiny armor (actually around 14" high)